Club President

Reports to the Committee

Key Role and Responsibilities

The Club President has a critical role in ensuring the smooth operation and management of the club funds that supports the direction of its members



·        Maintains a close working relationship with all committee members

·        knowledgeable about rules and procedures of the club and the Wellington Netball Centre

·        Chairs committee meetings and AGM

·        Is a key public relations person

·        Is a contact person for all club members

·        Facilitates and participates in club activities

·        Supports, encourages and motivates club members

·        Initiates pre-season activities – trials and tournaments

·        Selects teams with the help of other coaches

·        Delegates tasks to other committee members as appropriate

·        Order and purchase new uniforms and gear

·        Ensures teams have enough players and equipment for their games each Saturday

·        Liaise with coaches

·        Watches as many club netball games on Saturday as possible


Approximate time: 7 – 9 hours per week during the netball season and as required pre-season


General Tasks

Approximate time: 10-12 hours per year

·        Attend committee meetings

·        Have input into discussions and put forward ideas

·        Assist with club decision making


Approximate time: 2-3 days per year

·        Represent the club

·        Attend courses as necessary

·        Attend Netball Centre meetings

Club Captain

Reports to the President

Key Role and Responsibilities

The Club Captain has a critical role in ensuring all club members are made to feel part of the club and support all teams/players on and off the court and also to support all coaches and inform the committee of netball team issues as they arise.



·        Maintains a close working relationship with the Club President

·        Meets and greets all new members to the club at trials and throughout the season

·        Is a contact person for all club members

·        Participates in club activities ie; club nights and functions

·        Supports, encourages and motivates club members

·        Watches as many club netball games on Saturday as possible

·        Attend Netball Wellington Centre AGM

Approximate time: 5 ‐ 7 hours per week during the netball season and as required pre‐season


General Tasks

Approximate time: 10‐12 hours per year

·        Attend committee meetings

·        Have input into discussions and put forward ideas

·        Assist with club decision making


Approximate time: 2‐3 hours per year

·        Represent the club

·        Attend courses as necessary

·        Attend Netball Centre meetings as necessary


Club Secretary

Reports to the President

Key Role and Responsibilities

The primary role is to service the Committee and Club President and ensure necessary information is conveyed to club members.




·        Advertise trials

·        Book Netball courts

·        Email information out to players



·        Meeting procedures: set up meeting with members, confirm agenda, disseminate minutes

·        Administrative tasks: ensure records of minutes etc are up to date, file information

·        Club records: update registration form, maintain Club Database General Tasks

·        Attend committee meetings

·        Have input into discussions and put forward ideas

·        Assist with club decision making

·        Take minutes at meetings

·        Participates in club activities ie; club nights and functions

 Approximate time: 10-12 hours per year


General Tasks

Approximate time: 2-3 hours per year

·        Represent the club

·        Attend courses as necessary

·        Attend Netball Centre meetings as necessary

Coach Liaison

Reports to the President

Key Role and Responsibilities

To be available for all coaches and players, ensuring everyone is working together

Set up a Facebook page with all coaches and upload information of upcoming clinics

 Approximate time: 10 – 12 hours per year


General Tasks

Approximate time: 10‐12 hours per year

·        Attend committee meetings

·        Participates in club activities ie; club nights and functions

·        Have input into discussions and put forward ideas

·        Assist with club decision making

 Approximate time: 2‐3 hours per year

·        Represent the club

·        Attend courses as necessary

·        Attend Netball Centre meetings as necessary

Uniform/Gear Co-ordinator

Reports to President

Key Role and Responsibilities

The Uniform Co-ordinator is responsible for the clubs uniforms and gear assets.



·        Maintain the clubs uniform and gear inventory and advise President what is required

·        Distribute uniforms and gear to players

·        Participates in club activities ie; club nights and functions

·        Collect uniforms from players at the end of the season, wash and store

               over the summer

 Approximate time: 15 - 20 hours per year


General Tasks

Approximate time: 10-12 hours per year

·        Attend committee meetings

·        Have input into discussions and put forward ideas

·        Assist with club decision making

 Approximate time: 2-3 hours per year

·        Represent the club

·        Attend courses as necessary

·        Attend Netball Centre meetings as necessary


Club Treasurer

Reports to the President

Key Role and Responsibilities

To be accountable for all financial transactions both payable and receivable that occur within the club from year to year and report these regularly with the President and the rest of the club via committee meetings and AGM’s.




·        Pay any bills, e.g. from Netball Wellington that arrive outside of the season

·        Type up the end of year’s Financial Statement to send to various agencies

               funding has been received from and for next year’s AGM

·        Send final reminders to members with outstanding fees and arrange debt

               collection services if necessary

·        Purchase equipment required for following year, e.g. balls, first aid supplies, uniforms



·        Pay all bills

·        Collect club member’s fees and bank regularly

·        Keep accurate records of paid and unpaid fees by members as well as bank

               statements and receipts and invoices for purchases of goods and services

·        Send invoices and statements to members with outstanding fees

·        Provide the President with updated lists of members with outstanding fees and report the        financial status of the club to the President and committee members as required


General Tasks

Approx. time 10-12 hours per year

·        Attend committee meetings

·        Have input into discussions and put forward ideas

·        Assist with club decision making

·        Provide account statements and balances as required

 Approx. time 2-3 hours per year

·        Represent the club

·        Attend courses as necessary

·        Attend Netball Centre meetings as necessary

Sponsorship Co-ordinator

Reports to President

Key Role and Responsibilities

The primary role is to negotiate and secure sponsorship for the club.



·        Identify potential sponsors, grants and funding

·        Prepare funding proposal

·        Sign formal agreement

·        Liaise with funders

·        Send copies of relevant statements and receipts to various agencies funding has been      received from as per their requirements

 Approximate time: 16-20 hours per year


 General Tasks

Approximate time: 10-12 hours per year

·        Attend committee meetings

·        Have input into discussions and put forward ideas

·        Assist with club decision making

  Approximate time: 2-3 hours per year

·        Represent the club

·        Attend courses as necessary

·        Attend Netball Centre meetings as necessary

Social Events Co-ordinator

Reports to the President and Committee

Key Role and Responsibilities

The Social Events Co-ordinator is responsible for co-ordinating club events and functions.



·        Co-ordinate functions throughout the netball season

·        Be responsible for overseeing organisation of club events.

·        Organise a committee with one member from each team and delegate function duties

·        Club Night “concepts” (If there is an opportunity to have a particular theme for a Club Night then liaise with club members eg. If the Silver Ferns are playing)

·        Organise 1 Mid-Season Function

·        Organise End of Year Prizegiving Function

 Approximate time: 20 hours for major function

6 – 8 hours for other functions


 General Tasks

Approximate time: 10-12 hours per year

·        Attend committee meetings

·        Have input into discussions and put forward ideas

·        Assist with club decision making

  Approximate time: 2-3 hours per year

·        Represent the club

·        Attend courses as necessary

Attend Netball Centre meetings as necessary